Monday, October 15, 2007

D#8,HW#3 Peer Review Reflection

Looking at the other bibliographies was very helpful this week. I tried to answer the peer review questions on p.34 of the syllabus for each draft. Going over each point there, and reviewing the bulleted points in the directions for WP#2 made me aware of problem areas in my own draft. I know I need to add to the annotations to make them more useful, and align them flush left.
I have been told different things about spacing for annotated bibliographies, so I looked in The MLA Handbook and The Bedford Researcher. Figure 4.6 on p.59 of Bedford shows that the citations should be bolder type, first line flush left and additional lines indented five spaces, and annotations all flush left. The MLA Handbook, sixth edition, p.145 says, "Double-space the entire list, both between and within entries." That is how I will construct by final WP#2.


CoraleeHarding said...

The information you posted about how to format correctly was very helpful, thanks! If you follow the book to format your paper you will be correct. I also saw similar errors in my own annotations and that I need to elaborate more.

dbacksbj said...

I didn't know about the double spacing of the annotated bibliography, thanks for that. I also agree that being able to see how everyone is doing their bibliography is a great relief and doesn't stress you out about formatting.

SemperFidelis said...

Very useful information. I'm also seeing a general trend with the class with a lack of attention to the annotations.