Sunday, August 26, 2007

D#1, HW#1, Reading Reflection

Reading through the Course Handbook/Syllabus gave me a good overview of what I will be expected to complete for this class. Some of the requirements are similar to those of other classes I have taken, including citations, the annotated bibliography, and evaluating sources of information. There have been a few links that did not work, but having multiple links for each topic helps minimize the problem. I was a little unsure of the procedures for assignments listed for each deadline. The grading spreadsheet solved that problem for me. It takes me longer to navigate through all of the steps for completion using my dial-up connection at home, but all of the sites I need to use seem to load eventually.
The details given for all of the writing assignments are clear to me. Some of the Library Tech classes I have completed over the past year will be especially helpful. Two of those classes were online sessions using the Web CT portal. I found the postings and replies to be a great tool for sharing information, and I am looking forward to improving my abilities with blogging. One of my current classes covers portfolio development, which should help with the portfolio assignment for this class.
The MLA format has been required for all of my Library Tech classes. The MLA Handbook was useful, but not especially appealing. The Bedford Researcher seems to be a much more valuable resource. The MLA section covers everything I have ever needed help with. The online component to the textbook was easy to subscribe to, and I will be recommending it to our High School English teachers.
The title of the other textbook made me a little bit wary at first. My generation was taught that "argument" was a bad thing. Reading the preface and table of contents and glancing at some of the features of each chapter helped to relieve my fears. The ability to persuade other people is not one of my strong points. I hope this class will help me to improve my writing in all of the various forms it takes at school, at work, and at home.

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